You need to set up an audio device

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We've had noise problems that originate fromĮverything from fan noise to hard drives spinning to changes on our computer If you can hear a hissĭuring the quiet sections of your music, or if your playback is disrupted by background hiss)Ģ) Sound quality issues related to the digital to analog Make a difference? Here are the two main conditions that would necessitate theĪddition of an external DAC to your system:ġ) Noise floor problems (i.e. Need an external one? More to the point, could you actually use it and would it If all of these devices already have DACs, why would you

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Outputs, wireless speakers, clock radios, and more. Receiver, AV processor, computer, laptop, CD/DVD/Blu-ray player with analog Anything that can accept a digital signal and If you think you already have DACs in your An external DAC is a popularĪ Digital to Analog Converter, or DAC, takes your digitalĬontent and transforms it into analog so that your system can amplify it and Start looking at other gear that is less known. Themselves major replacement purchases for incremental upgrades, they often Sure, an extra HDMI input or a slightly better room correction system would be World to describe the desire to buy new gear that you technically don't need. 'Upgradeitis' is a term bandied about the audio